Healing is a spiral of ever-growing conscious and unconscious processes. We seek to integrate our awareness with the outpicture of our lives. We strive to live our unique expression of our deepest, truest selves that will unfold the mastery of Spirit unfolding. With the clearing out of the four lower bodies, we are able to contain more and more of our Divine light. This embodiment takes upgrades in our mental consciousness, our hearts and our physical bodies.
As we bring all these parts in line, we are able to more clearly hear, smell, taste our sacred pathways to living within the greatest miracle of our life: our Free Soul. Our sacred soul kin, our sacred purpose, and sacred mission are revealed and the path is cleared for landing.
Intake interview
We review the areas of your life that you want support in, we listen for what has worked and what you want differently from your healer.
Building the container
We continue to get to know each other, establishing our healing relationship. We identify your primary attachment figures and what steps you need to release the old narratives of your younger self.
Working through
We have our plan and now we put into action the steps that will infiltrate and heal your life on all levels. We experiment, get feedback and review your results.
So much of therapy is this stage, where we practice in session through our relationship and then you go out into the world to try on your own.
The healing can have points of stress, where you are changing and you have to recalibrate to hold the process. I am here with you as you go to the next level. We come up with a self-care plan for radical self-acceptance and nurturance. You learn to self-soothe and to ask for help. You learn to accept the limits of those around you and recover from any disappointments. Here is the magic: you are beyond what you think you are!
When you are complete with one cycle of growth or several, we decide what is next in your life’s journey.